Friday, October 1, 2010

My dog did it

As I posted a few days ago, knitting has been on the back burner with vacationing, working and field ministry, lately. I tried to get it (the sexy shrug) out to work on it and even had it right next to me in the front yard on Sunday but ran in to catch the timer going off for the pearsauce (applesauce - only from pears - delicious) simmering on the stove. Good thing I set that timer, or we would've had burntsauce. Anyway, I never made it back out to the patio and when I got home from work on Monday afternoon, I found my knitting strewn across the front yard. I dusted it off and brought it upstairs without much more thought (knowing it was my fault for leaving it there) BTW, I still have not even touched it today (isn't this blog supposed to include some knitting?!). Then, Wednesday I had some serious craving for some chocolate and all at once it hit me - I had eight double chocolate cookies in a baggie in that bag I had brought to Tahoe, which we never ate (remember all the other goodies we ate, who wanted homemade stuff?!). Ah-ha the Suki (our dog) must have spun that lovely web that I found on Monday in the front yard - while she foraged for and ate those eight cookies!! Well, she didn't die (in fact I don't even think she got sick - if you knew her history for "scrounging", you'd understand while she has an iron-clad tummy) and I made brownies instead. The worst looking brownies I've ever seen.

Actually they tasted fine (BFF, what'd you think?) I ate a few and so did the family, but the rest I threw in a zip-top bag and plan to make some Brownies Fudge Ice Cream later this week (or sometime).

Finally, I had some real time to venture out to my almost "forgotten" garden (poor thing hardly ever gets watered anymore, sorry my mind is somehow moving to indoor "autumn" mode already, I'm not sure how with the over-century temperatures). Anyway, I'm glad I did, June Bug and I scored!

Needless to say, the bounty from the garden inspired some cooking. June Bug was her hungry little self and wanted to "just eat this" and "just eat that" and pretty soon I was down to one broccoli, a lot fewer tomatoes and no carrots! I love her appetite for fresh veggies, but what about dinner?! I decided a stir-fry was the best application, however about 30-second into defrost on the chicken the power went out. Of course, this is somewhat normal for us at least once a summer (and many times during winter) and I should have known it'd be any day. So, the chicken went into the fridge and when Hubby got home we went out to dinner. Fortunately, all my veggies were stood by and I still felt enthusiastic after work the next day, so with the chicken perfectly half-frozen (which BTW is the perfect way to very-thinly slice chicken, or any meat, for a stir-fry). I went to work, chopping and slicing (another of my favorite things to do - so much so that Hubby got me a Wustof knife set for our 1st year wedding anniversary).

I just realized I never took a picture of the finished product, oh well, you can't taste it anyway. I don't use a recipe, so I can't give you that either. I usually just stir-fry the chicken first, set aside, stir-fry the veggies, starting with the firmest first then adding soft things like broccoli or spinach last, adding a little water to "steam" as I go. Then throw the meat back in with some sort of slurry I've made from 1/3 soy sauce, 1/3 water and 1/3 white wine (or Vermouth, or Marsala, or whatever I had on hand like that) along with a couple teaspoons of cornstarch and a couple teaspoons of toasted sesame oil. Don't forget to stir one last time for you add since the cornstarch will have inevitably sunk to the bottom after a minute. Works every time. Oh, and don't forget to add some chopped ginger, garlic and green onions to the hot oil after you've removed the cooked meat and before you add the veggies. If your wok is super hot (I use the "full-whack" setting on my electric stove), you shouldn't leave your garlic in there longer than 30 seconds before adding all those big veggies or you'll get "bitter garlic" stir-fry, never good eats.

Hope you try it.

1 comment:

  1. wow your veggies look amazing isnt it cool... veggies from the garden. Missed you this week Mrs Beal... Catch up maybe Friday afternoon mins ?
