Saturday, August 3, 2013

Jelly-filled, please?

Beware: This blog post has nearly nothing to do with my normal theme. I'm just thinking on virtual paper.

I just read my last post where I was "so excited" to start exercising at 6-weeks postpartum. Don't they say you always want what you can't have? Yep, now that Tax is nearly four months old and I have the freedom to workout however I want, somehow the desire has left. However, the desire to fit into my old clothes has not!! I did buy a new pair of jeans since I couldn't bear to wear those maternity pants one more day! They don't look bad and with heals; I can still do the walk, but I know they're a size bigger than I used to wear. Ugh!

We've given Tax a few tastes of this and that knowing he'll be getting ready to eat more than breast milk in the next few months. This makes me endlessly worried that all this VORACIOUS EATING that I only get to do while breastfeeding, will soon be gone (no, I did eat like this while pregnant). Then, what am I going to do?! But also, I'm a little concerned that I've been a bad example to my daughter the last few months. A doughnut or two almost every week, soda with dinner a few nights a week, lots of chips with melted cheese on top and salsa at snack time, lunch time, dinner time (really any time!!), too many McDonald's french fries and an ice cream cone (the only way to eat ice cream) and a half to a whole beer almost every night (no, not at the same time lol)! Most of the time she's been taking part in mommy's indulgences (except the soda and beer, of course!). This just can't be good for either of us. I know better, but really, I'm teaching her these bad habits are okay.

Two days home from the hospital, I was so excited to have this from my hubby that I took a picture!
Portion control has always been what I've leaned on as my weight-maintenance routine, so essentially that's what I'd like to get back to. (Before I got pregnant a year ago and after 12 years of marriage and a child, I was only 4 pounds heavier than I was the day I got married). I'm not even 5 feet tall, so I've never been able to eat as much as everyone else, and I've never been good at giving up anything completely, so I've just learned I need to eat less. But breast feeding is amazing in that I can eat like a normal person lol (or so I like to think).

So, starting tomorrow (not Monday), I'm going to do two things. First, start walking EVERY day! Even 10 minutes on my treadmill (yes, there's no excuse), but hopefully outside, with the kids, maybe even hubby, for at least 20 minutes. Second, one small indulgence a day. Not a whole doughnut, not a whole beer, not a whole cupcake and hopefully no soda at all. (I wasn't drinking soda before or during my pregnancy. Why have I started now that I'm breastfeeding??)

Well, is that enough? Hopefully. I'll let you know.